Spring Cleaning: Dusting out the Cobwebs

As we shift from darkness into the light, spring brings in a renewal of energy that encourages us to step out from the retreat of the winter.

Many use this time to refresh their living spaces and 'dust out the cobwebs'. There is nothing like a good spring cleaning to leave you feeling revitalized and ready to enjoy the longer days.

While the comforts of winter help us through the colder, shorter days it is important to clear out the stagnate energy once the season shifts so that we can feel lighter and more free. Before you can sow your seeds for the year you must first clear out the old and the dead.

While most of us are likely familiar with the benefits of cleaning out our homes (doesn't a freshly cleaned & decluttered space feel soooo good), here are a few extra points to consider this spring while tackling that the list of chores and organizing your belongings.

  • What have you not used in the last year? Can these be repurposed, given away or donated to someone who would use them? How can you clear out your space while avoiding the landfill as much as possible?

  • What in your home could use some love? Maybe the screws on your coat hooks could use a tightening, or your winter boots would like a polish before being put away. Little tasks like these increase the longevity of your belongings.

  • How's the body feeling? Likely you've enjoyed some decadent foods over the holidays and possibly have forgone some of your self-care routines. Show your body some love and clean out the inner pipes with a cleanse, so that your body can work more efficiently as you step back out into the world.

  • and while you are opening up the windows and doors to let in the fresh air, don't forget to check your air filters, if it’s been a while, they could probably use a change!

We'd love to hear from you, let us know your spring cleaning musts!

Want to join Amy in her Spring Equinox celebration? Sign up online to take your “Spring Cleaning” to the next level!


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