Taking Back Your Power When Implementing Restrictive Measures to Keep Safe

This last year has brought unprecedented change for all of us. News of a novel virus has disrupted the way we interact with our external environments and created a worldwide response to try and curve the detrimental effects.
So how do you take back your power when implementing restrictive measures to keep safe? Here are a few ways to take your local health measurements and turn them into your own ritual for protections.

Wearing a mask in all indoor work settings

  • Municipal Governments have implemented a mask mandate in indoor public settings, meaning that most of us are required to mask up in order to go about our day to day. If you are feeling restricted by the face covering, use this time to find a little more silence and most importantly, reflect on your relationship with your breath. See how your day to day perspective starts to shift with a little more awareness to what is happening right in front of you. Most importantly make sure your mask is clean.

15 person limit on social and family gatherings

  • Having a limit on who we get to see at our gatherings offers the chance to develop more intimate, and less superficial, relationships to the loved ones in our lives. You’ve likely seen less of your loved ones this year than normal, so use the opportunity when you do get it to make sure you are present and attentive. Put the phone away and turn on your listening ears, you may be surprised at what starts to open up.

Practicing good hygiene: wash your hands often and cover coughs and sneezes

  • This is something that we should be doing anyways. Good hygiene is an essential part of any daily routine. If you find that you are needing to wash your hands more than normal, turn it into a cleansing ritual. Picture that as you wash your hands that any attachments that do not serve you are being washed away with the dirt and grime. Allow all that dense energy that is weighing you down to be cleansed and cleared away.

Monitoring your symptoms every day

  • AKA get to know your body. Tune into how it feels on the regular. The more intuited you become, the faster you will know when something is seriously wrong. The relationship to the self is the most important one in your life. It is the framework for all of your other relationships, you can see it as a mirror. As you develop this awareness to the subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) communications that your nervous system is constantly firing at you, you will also be developing a trust of self while deepening your intuition.

No matter what is going on in our lives, there are always opportunities to claim our power and take back what belongs to us.


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