Classical Kundalini ~ An Offering to Explore the Sacred Feminine

An Intro to Tantra

The Vedic science of Tantra has a history of over a thousand years. Translated from Sanskrit to English: ‘tan’ means body and ‘tra’ means the vehicle. The practice of tantra leads to the release of energy and expansion of consciousness from its gross form. It is a method to expand the mind and liberate the dormant potential energy. This practice can be understood as part of the knowledge of how electrons, neutrons, and protons move in mass and across form.

Tantra historically was an oral tradition passed down from teacher to student in the Guru-Shishya paramapara tradition of learning yoga. As the evolution of Tantra occurred, Vedic scholars like Adi Shankaracharya started to document this knowledge in the written Sanskrit language.

So, What is Kundalini?

Kundalini is knowledge that has been documented as part of Vedic sciences. In essence, Kundalini is represented as a coiled serpent that lies dormant at the base of your spine. She is an archetype of Shakti, the universal mother or goddess. Vedic science offers holistic models of wellness that explore the interactions of the physical, subtle, and the causal body.

The human body has thousands of ‘Nadis or energy points that are connected to seven main energy centers or Chakras. The seven Chakras are in the spine in the Sushumna Nadi, which is the pathway through the central body. Cosmic prana or breath travels in your spine, enabling Kundalini to rise. Kundalini rises in your seven chakras to release your creativity, build your pranic body, and aid balance and purification.

Your left side is your Ida or lunar energy and your right side is your Pingala or Solar energy. You have thousands of Nadis that flow throughout your body’s energy channels which run through the Sushumna Nadi.

Shakti rises from the root chakra to the sacral, to the naval, to the heart, to the third eye where she meets Shiva, a representation of the divine masculine. Shiva and Shakti take the last part of the journey together to the crown where they enter bliss state or Ananda, with you.

The practice of Kundalini yoga unleashes creativity, raises, feminine divinity and provides the opportunity to balance your three bodies – your physical body, your causal body, and your subtle body. This practice is a balance of the divine masculine and feminine in your being. All this energy work is initiated with chanting mantras, connecting to deepen the practice through meditation, performing Kriyas, and setting intentions.

The Workshop at City & Soul Wellness Collective

This offering of Classical Kundalini is from the Akhanda lineage of yoga. Akhanda follows the Nath yogic tradition. Many yoga practitioners in the West may be familiar with Yogi Bhajan’s style of Kundalini. This Classical Kundalini offering is different than that.

Through an eight-week workshop, we will explore the history and theory of Classical Kundalini which includes exploring the divine feminine archetype of Shakti. We will learn the philosophy, mantras, kriyas, asana, and pranayama (breathing) that balance our solar and lunar bodies. There will be an in-depth exploration of the chakra system and an opportunity to understand how your chakra imprints are the unique blueprint for an inquiry to identify and aid your holistic healing. You are your greatest teacher!

Come share this space where we can exchange the wisdom of Classical Kundalini to add to your toolbox of wellness practice.


Dates: Saturdays, June 13 to August 1, 2021

Location: Virtual

Requirements: Light loose comfortable clothing, Yoga mat, Journal, Bolsters, Blanket, Water, A small snack to have post-practice.

Price (sliding scale): $180 / $160 / $120


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