Andrew Misle Yoga

“I am committed to sharing a practice that moves people through the illusions of consequence to connect with a deeper and more authentic experience of Self.”

Meet Andrew


Father. Student. Yoga Teacher. Film Maker. World Traveler.

Andrew, hailing from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, is a diverse individual beyond his family commitments. He's a yogi, traveler, motorcycle enthusiast, teacher, and filmmaker. His yoga journey commenced at just 9 years old, sparked by Kung Fu and meditation, shaping his lifelong exploration of mind-body harmony.

Over 18 years, Andrew triumphed over significant health hurdles, crediting yoga for his resilience. Now, he shares this transformative power globally through workshops and retreats, blending posture practice, breathwork, and meditation for profound experiences. With humor and authenticity, Andrew's teachings resonate deeply.

Passionate about community impact, he spearheads initiatives like sunrise practices, fostering connections among thousands. Alongside his wife Laura, Andrew finds joy in parenting River Satya and Sol Vidya, their cherished "love gurus."

- Andrew Misle


In yoga, Shiva is not seen as a God, but as the

first yogi, Adiyogi, and the first Guru, the Adi Guru.”

For more availability or information

Contact Andrew.

Submit this form for retreat questions, workshop bookings, general inquiries, and more. I'd love to hear from you!